
I onsdags och i torsdags var det vårshow på skolan! jag var såsklart med ;) jag sjung Where did our love go tillsammans med Linnea och Natta, jag spelade även gitarr på Zombie där Lillie och Lelle sjöng och på These boots were made for walking. Jag tog hand om ljudeffekterna (så som ringklocka-, krigs- och sjukhus-nära-död-pip-ljud) och sjöng på alla de allmänna låtarna oxå :) Det var fett kul! skulle ha lagt ut en massa bilder ifall jag hade några......... Men jag tror att Jennifers pappa hade filmat så man kanske kan få se den senare :P

OCH!!! +!! Vi har spelat in en CD! :D:D iiih! Fatta va coolt! Det var en man som kom och hjälpte oss med inspelningen i måndags. Fett coolt. Men klantig som jag är hade jag av första strängen i början av Zombie som var den första låten vi spelade in.. Bra jobbat Anna, bra jobbat!  Nä men det gick bra endå..

Showen var typ mer som en musikal.. eller asså.. det var teater och musik. teatern var som en röd tråd mellan låtarna. Det var Natta som skrev manuset ^^ Duktig flicka<3
Teatern handlade om en barnfamilj där pappan skulle till Irak som FN soldat. Christoffer spelade pappan Per-Göran så bra! xD ah..

Skriver kanske mer om det senare..

Made by Kupari


Mr Sunplaya

sometimes... I wish that you were here
other times... I wish that you were somewhere else
right now... I wish that you called me
before... I wish that you just walked away

times and feelings changes a lot
alto a lot a lot
I don't always know which time
and which feeling I am having at the moment
But I think it'll be ok anyway
'cause you know
most of the time
my feelings are on your side

sometimes... I wish that you were here
other times... I wish that you were somewhere else
right now... I wish that you called me
before... I wish that you just walked away

love is a fucked up game
you either win or lose
I lose most of the time
You win most of the time
or no sorry
you lose most of the time too
we are two fucked up players in a fucked up game
a fucked up game without any rules

sometimes... I wish that you were here
other times... I wish that you were somewhere else
right now... I wish that you called me
before... I wish that you just walked away

they call me little miss emosanta
they call you little miss sunplaya
they are giving us scary flashes
they are pushing us to the limit
lets get together and fight
fight against the monkeydemons
or run, run away from everyone and everything
lets get together and fight
or run, just runaway

sometimes... I wish that you were here
other times... I wish that you were somewhere else
right now... I wish that you called me
before... I wish that you just walked away
okay we are not perfect

jag tror inte att jag kmr skriva klart den..

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